August 19 to 25 and August 22 to 25📍 CALLE MAYOR, 41, 12598 PENISCOLA, CASTELLÓN
Magician Isaac Jurado
Isaac Jurado is a comedic magician who has been working professionally for over 20 years. It’s like leaving the gas on at home, but it doesn’t confuse you, it combines the most powerful magic with the smartest humor. I am Isaac Jurado.
A professional illusionist who has lived for and for magic since 2002, although my love for this world has accompanied me since my childhood. Throughout my professional career, I have created different personal shows such as: “BAMM”, “IDIOTA”, “THE BEST MAGICIAN IN THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MY MOTHER”, “UN MAGO EN CONSERVA”, “MAGIAS PARA NORMALES” and “VERMUT & MAGIE”. For two seasons I was on Cadena SER with the “Especialistas Secundarios” doing magic through the radio. vision of Barcelona) in the program “Connexió Barcelona” He participated in the 3rd season of the series “Mira lo que has hecho”, interpreted and written by Berto Romero and directed by Javier Ruiz Caldera.
Do not miss the opportunity to see impossible things from the hand of one of the most requested current artists “ISAAC JURADO” for companies, festivals and galas Buy your tickets!
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